Internal Operations

*BSA/AML/OFAC Annual Training - Part II

One of the Five Core Pillars of a BSA/AML Program is Training. Training should be provided on at least an annual basis for all staff, management and directors, as well as periodic targeted training based upon role. Capco’s Annual BSA/AML Training covers high-level topics that all financial institution personnel should know, including recent changes in laws affecting financial institutions, trends and enforcement actions, as well as more detailed topics such as customer risk assessments, recordkeeping, reporting and monitoring. The webinar will also broach OFAC compliance requirements. The webinar is presented in two parts, each airing on separate dates.

What We Will Cover in Part II (November 16, 2023)
• Customer Risk Profile
• Record Keeping and Reporting
• Information Sharing
• Suspicious Activity Monitoring
• OFAC Screening and Reporting
• Recent Enforcement Actions

Who Should Attend: All financial institution staff and management

Air Date: November 16, 2023

Course Hours: 1.25 CAFP, CERP, CRCM, CTFA Instructor Name: Christopher Price

  • BSA/AML/OFAC Annual Training - Part II - Recorded Webinar
  • BSA/AML/OFAC Annual Training - Part II - Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "BSA/AML/OFAC Annual Training - Part II - Recorded Webinar"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year